
(noun) small moments when our biology is in a place of connection leading to joy, happiness, or relaxation

Feminist HCI
A good overview of Gender HCI, Feminist HCI, and Post-Colonial Computing that highlights important papers.

Rua M. Williams
Works at the intersection of Disability Justice and HCI. Really fresh and affirming perspective on neurodiversity. Hosts virtual seminars on living with neurodiversity.

Shaowen Bardzell
Really powerful research that borrows social science techniques to study the space between HCI, sustainability, and women’s health.

Kristina Höök
Researches the embodied side of interaction design and somaesthetics.

Kinetic Light Dance
A group that fully embraces disability and creates stunning performances with technology.

Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard
Intresting work with design fiction that centers a strong feminist perspective.

Nadia Campo Woytuk
Works with more-than-human perspectives and intimate care.

All Tech is Human
A non-profit orginization that has a ton of resources and information for responsible technology.

Katta Spiel
Really interesting work with neurodiversity and interactive technologies.

Kathrin Gerling
Works at the intersection of disability and interactive technology.

Marianela Ciolfi Felice
A feminist HCI researcher with a dance background.

Sarah Homewood
Another dancer turned interaction designer.

Soliya Global Circles
An orginization that facilitates global conversations around technology.

Dare To Dance in Public
A film festival that aims to reconceptualize our concept of dance and where it can happen.

A research center for animation and emerging technologies that has a really cool collaboration with dancers.

Brother(hood) Dance
A dance duo bringing awareness to socio- political and environmental injustices from a global perspective.

Dance your PhD
A contest to perform your research paper through dance.

Vi Hart
A mathematician and computational geometry researcher who has excellent videos on fun math topics.

Nora Chipaumire
A choreographer and dance activist who integrates technology to change perceptions surrounding race and gender.

Laura Taalman
A mathematician and computational designer with interesting projects.

Henry Segerman
A visual mathematician with lots of cool 3D prints.

Advice for applying to REU’s
I know it’s scarry but you can do it!